EXTREMIST MUSLIM Ali Harbi Ali, 26, has been FOUND guilty of killing Sir David Amess. Including planning demonstrations of illegal intimidation after the jury only required only 18 minutes to deliver the verdict
Moderate MP Sir Amess, 69, was mercilessly cut 20 times. With a foot-long cutting blade as he held a constituency surgery in Essex. His crushed family said their hearts had been ‘broken’ by his death.
The British legislator’s friends and family sat meters from his executioner at the Old Bailey on Monday. Ali, who is expected to be condemned on Wednesday, wouldn’t stand up in the dock on extremist religious grounds.
Muslim Islamic State enthusiast. Ali allegedly told Sir Amess, he was ‘sorry’ prior to driving the blade into him. Leaving the dad of-five shouting and screaming.
He confessed to killing the veteran Tory. Muslim, Ali denied murder and preparing acts of terrorism following the tragedy on October 15th last year.
The extremist told the court he regretted nothing about Sir Amess’s passing. And implied sir Amess could no longer hurt Muslims. Referring to the MP’s democratic record on the UK’s international strategy, including airstrikes on Syria. At that point he was asked why killing Sir David would matter, he answered: “he can’t vote again”.
The court heard how Muslim Ali, who came from a powerful Somali family, had become self-radicalized in 2014. He proceeded to drop out of college and forsake his desires for a vocation in medication.
The Muslim extremist then sent a proclamation on WhatsApp to loved ones. Trying to legitimize his activities around the hour of the assault.
Sir David’s associate Julie Cushion told jurors he seemed ‘smug’ right after the fierce killing. As he was been, recorded in a police interview. Mr Amess was not the only target of this extreme Muslim. Michael Gove, Dominic Raab and Sir Keir Starmer were also on his hit list.
The judge thanked the jury for their hard work and dedication, sentencing will be in Wednesday.
Sir David Amess murder Extremist Muslim Ali Harbi Ali given whole-life sentence. 13th April 2022
Still no one has asked important Questions like, how did he become radicalised? what was his overall goal? And was he working alone? It was blatantly obvious how the Muslim community felt, as heads moved at record speed to make themselves the victims, a psychological tactic to hide the truth, quickly branding you Islamophobic, in order to shut you up.
The main stream media also played their part and worked to bury the story, completely ignoring facts and questions the rest of our community needed to know.
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